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THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE - "Falls" 12"LP (hardcore/black metal)

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THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE - "Falls" 12"LP (hardcore/black metal) Empty THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE - "Falls" 12"LP (hardcore/black metal)

Message  Throatruiner Records Mar 29 Jan - 13:10

THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE - "Falls" 12"LP (hardcore/black metal) Tumblr_mhcsorqNYc1qf47vvo1_500

Téléchargement gratuit/précommandes : http://store.throatruinerrecords.com/bands/the-phantom-carriage

"With this second full-length, Poitiers' THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE annihilate the remaining boundaries between black metal and dark hardcore. This time focusing on the most extreme side of their sound, "Falls" brings the band's unique approach to the next level, invoking reminiscences of various acts such as Deathspell Omega, Cave In, Comity, Deafheaven or Kickback. Songs such as "Dreamers Will Never Stop Dreaming" or "Today We Stand" reveal how much the band has improved their songwriting abilities, burying the listener under piles of epic & technical riffs, labyrinthic structures and unearthly vocals. By throwing into their chaos some more unorthodox influences they gained from their other past and actual experiences, THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE prove that they are digging deeper than your average "blackened hardcore" band. And they will take you with them."

- Enregistré, mixé et masterisé par Frank Hueso
- Artwork par Romain Barbot
- 12"LP limité à 500 exemplaires (violet transparent), co-production avec Braincrushing & Theatre Records.

THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE - "Falls" 12"LP (hardcore/black metal) Tumblr_mhcsxcYetn1qf47vvo1_500
Throatruiner Records
Throatruiner Records

Messages : 121
Hometown : West Coast


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